Saturday, March 27, 2010

Steps to Prevent Foreclosure

The Obama administration is seeking to find ways to prevent foreclosures among homeowners who have lost their jobs.  The feeling is that these homeowners are unable to pay their mortgages through no fault of their own, so should not be penalized by losing their homes.  A noble, compassionate sentiment, to be sure.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More Heat Than Light

The chairman of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Rajendra Pachauri, has allegedly said that global warming skeptics should rub their faces with asbestos every morning.  I gather Mr. Pachauri is not fond of global warming skeptics.

A Big Fucking Deal

The media are all atwitter over a comment made by our Vice President.  According to one source, Biden told Obama that the Health Care Reform Act was a "Big [Expletive] Deal".  Another source reported that Biden "dropped the F-bomb".  Using my superior powers of analysis and deduction, I conclude that Mr. Biden said, "This is a big fucking deal".

To which I say, "big fucking deal".  People swear.  Even vice presidents swear.  Hell, our President probably swears while he's out behind the White House sneaking a smoke.

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Ticket For Rush

A Website called '' is trying to help Rush Limbaugh collect enough money to pay for air fare to Costa Rica.  Apparently Mr. Limbaugh said he'd go to Costa Rica if the US ever passed the health reform bill.  Now that this bill has passed, the Website has stepped up.

Don't Be Evil

The New York Times reports that Google is redirecting Internet traffic in China to uncensored sites, and removing itself from China.  Bravo.