Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque

There has been endless arguing over whether a proposed "supermosque" should be allowed to be built a short distance from Ground Zero.  The thinking seems to be that this is some sort of Islamic plot or something.  That misses the point.

The point is that there is no legal justification for blocking this project.  The law is on the side of the planners.  They have a perfect right to build their mosque there, no matter how offended people may be about it.

I agree that these guys are insensitive, perhaps arrogant assholes for choosing this site.  There is no earthly reason why their mosque needs to be right there, except to offend.  However, they have the right to do this.

I wonder what would happen, though, if someone near this site were to put up a large, offensive picture of Muhammad.  This would be perfectly legal, but I imagine the mosque planners would object.

If history is any guide, it is likely that whoever did this would be attacked, as was the cartoonist Lars Vilks.  Criticism of Islam tends to result in violence.  This is strange behavior for a "religion of peace".

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